Thursday, December 30, 2010

Major Chords

Finally! Chords! 

Chords are what make up a song. All songs can and usually do have what is called a chord progression, which is simply a number of chords played in a sequence to create a song.

Basic chords are made up of 3 notes.

 To play any song all you need to know are two basic types of chords - Major and Minor.

Major chords

To play a major chord you play the root note, skip three keys and play the next note, then skip two keys and play the next note.

This is the Major Chord Formula!
Root + Skip 3 + Skip 2
For example, first choose a note, the note you choose will be the name of the chord. In this case, a C chord.

 So here we have chosen the note C, skipped 3 notes and played the next note E and finally skipped 2 notes and played the next note G. This has given us a C Major Chord.

Following this formula will always give you the major chord for which ever root note you choose. For instance:

First is the D note therefore this will be a D major chord (NB the first note is not always the name of the chord however for this basic chord method it certainly is easier to think like this for the moment)

 This chord is an Eb ( E Flat ) major chord.

The best way to become familiar with this method is to practice practice practice! 

Remember: Root note + Skip 3 notes and play the next one + Skip 2 notes and play the next one

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