Minor Chords

Minor chords

Once you have an understanding of major chords, minor chords will be easier to learn. The fundamental difference between these to types of chords is that minor chords sound a lot 'unhappier' than major chords, drowning almost. Nonetheless, there is a formula!

To play a minor chord you play the root note, skip 2 keys and play the next note and finally, skip 3 keys and play the next note.

This is the Minor Chord Formula!
Root + Skip 2 + Skip 3
 Notice how this is the reverse of the major chord!

For example, choose any note to start, in this case C:

So here we have played the root note C, skipped 2 notes and played the next note Eb, and finally skipped 3 notes and played the next note G. This gives us a C Minor Chord.

Following this formula will always give you the minor chord for which ever root note you choose. For instance:

This is a D Minor Chord. D is the root, skip 2 notes and play F, then skip 3 notes and play A.

The best way to become familiar with this method is to practice practice practice! 

Remember: Root note + Skip 2 notes and play the next one + Skip 3 notes and play the next one